Truth, Lies, and Mystery

Some mysteries in life and history never seem to have an answer: was there ever an Atlantis or Shangri-la (based off of Shambhala in Tibetan Buddhist tradition)? Will anyone ever be able to explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle? And does Big Foot exist (this pig, or Hogzilla 2 makes me think, yes)?

I'm inclined to believe in some of those--and if they are not exactly what we picture them to be that there is something that once discovered could explain where the mystery and exaggeration comes from.
More pertinent and one I might never understand: why did Marc Jacobs choose Victoria Beckham to be the face of his new advertising campaign? Is this destined to be the greatest mystery of our times? Or at least 2008 when the pictures will come out.
And what I'm wearing in(doors) and out(and about):

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