Tag, I'm It

I only own one pair of boots (my family has lived in Hawaii for the past three years and North Carolina before that for three years, so there wasn't much call for them) and I am already bored of wearing them...

So, I have been tagged again, this time by Modern Marie and here are my seven most random facts about myself:
1. I have flat feet. That is the official doctor's diagnoses and means I'm supposed to wear insoles or shoes with arch support--which I don't. It affects my balance and I claim it as an excuse for bad posture, though the latter is probably not legitimate.
2. I don't like hugs. No, I don't like to press my whole body against the body of acquaintance, sorry this doesn't appeal to me. I find hugs awkward and uncomfortable.
3. I doodle compulsively, I've tried to stop doodling, because my notes look insane, but I can not. I have no trouble listening to a lecture though while doodling.
4. I attended a private catholic all girl's school with a sailor uniform for one year. No, I didn't get kicked out, nor am I Catholic, I graduated from there! My family moved my senior year of high school to Hawaii and Sacred Hearts Academy was the school my parents chose for me, the other 11 years of my education were at various public schools, sans uniform.
5. I have bad circulation, so my hands and feet tend to turn purple really easily. People actually always comment on how cold my hands are when I shake hands, or are concerned about the color of my hands and feet--including doctors. I once went in for a check-up and the doctor thought there was something wrong with my hands and that was why I was in.
6. I wear headphones, without music playing, when I don't want to talk to people. This is very useful when you're traveling, people will not approach you if you have headphones on, it's great.
7. I once made a teacher cry. It was completely unintentional and I felt really bad and explained myself and apologized after.

I'm not tagging anyone for now, because I have a headache and want to take a quick nap before work, but if you want to post some facts about yourself go for it!

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