Icicles (and Comments)

Some pictures of icicles I took around campus.icicles, snow, winter, countryside, coldicicles, winter, christmas, country, gardenwinter, ice, snow, country, gardenicicles, winter, garden, countrycountry, winter, ice, snow, coldcountry, icicles, winter, snow, garden

And a thought on comments. I do not use comment moderation and right now I allow anyone to comment, I'd like to keep it this way. I hope that everyone out there has the self-restraint and respect for others to choose their words wisely and carefully. So far I have only had to delete two off-base comments (which in my over 100 posts is a positive sign). One of the things I enjoy most about my blog is the ability to get comments and feedback and I enjoy checking my e-mail account throughout the day and see what has been passed my way.
However, some people definitely use the Internet to escape conventional courtesies and the comment function as a way to air their most extreme opinions without moderation or concern for others. This isn't really so much of a lecture or warning or threat, as a musing on what I am learning. Troubles other bloggers are experiencing in comments is also weighing on my mind. If someone has the courage to make posts and even put up pictures of themselves, why should other people blast them for outfits that challenge their standards of fashionable? Or if a blogger states an opinion, why should that invoke another aggressive opinion that puts down the blogger? I don't live in this fairytale land where everyone is nice to each other and speaks pleasantly, but I do believe that people should show respect for others, especially when they disagree.
And maybe for some clarification, my blog mantra:
I'm not an expert in fashion (I am a business student for goodness sake!), nor a wannabe be model (at 5'1" I suffer no delusions), I am merely a student and a blogger with a variety of interests. Further, this isn't a fashion blog, this is a blog made by a "clothes horse" and there is a distinction. I will not always post on fashion or even attempt to tie things back to clothes--I never have since this blog's beginning. I do love fashion and when people ask me questions on it I will try to be helpful, but I will preface it with "I'm not an expert..." at three times.
When I first started my blog I wondered where it would go and what I would focus on, but this is what I have settled on. I hope this just lets readers have a better idea of where I stand. For now I think everyone has been very kind and polite in their comments to me and I appreciate that. No one has to love me or my style, but they also don't have to read my blog--which is in and of itself nothing significant merely "an absurdity allowed by (my) winged inertia."

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