It Took An Eight-Year-Old Child To Bring 'Em To Their Senses

I am having a wee bit of a lucky streak lately and was fortunate enough to win the Half-Girl giveaway from her blog. Her package was much more magical than I ever could have imagined and all packed prettily away in a quaint cigar box. Every item was so wonderfully random and lovely--I am reminded of Scout's memory box from To Kill A Mockingbird...

Outfit details: dress- Pretty Trashy, shoes- H&M, bracelet- China Town, necklace- Stadium Swapmeet in Hawaii

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Party At The Disco

Yiqin is the adorable force behind the blog Qin At The Disco. Her style is usually colorful and always includes a fun pop of unique accessories. She also was sweet enough to plan a dream party for me.

What type of party is it?
Masquerade! I always think it is fascinating to be behind a mask. Our identities are hidden and we can be someone else for a day! Really fun.
Who is invited?
My friends, my favourite bloggers, designers, models, singers, anyone can come as long as they want to have fun! :D
Where does it take place?
My backyard. We will all be sitting on pretty mats. Playing games, having good food, talking and listening to great music.
What are we eating?
Cinnamon Rolls, fried ice cream, pretty cupcakes, chocolate cakes, fondue with fruits, roasted marshmallows with chocolate, baked potatoes, maybe everyone should bring something and we'll have more fun!
Who gets to sit next to you?
Michael Jackson. I want to know more about him! He is sucha incredible person, from his singing, to dancing and his super fierce dress sense. I will love to talk to him and find out more about him.

What is the theme or what is everyone wearing?
The theme is masquerade. So definitely everyone should be in masks. I will also want everyone to dress in something they have always wanted to wear but do not dare to! We should have fun wit our dressing and step out of our comfort zone! ;)
Are there party favors?
Definitely! A gift bag with balloons, party hats, noisemakers and glow sticks!:)
Who is most likely to get drunk and dance on the table?
Prolly, me. I hardly drink so I can hardly hold my alcohol.
Who is the last to leave?
Me too. It is held in my backyard so I am prolly the one cleaning up all the mess!
For more of Qin visit her blog.

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The Best Things In Life Are Free

ShopRuche is definitely one of my favorite online shops. My favorite and much-abused grey bag is from here and has stood all my adventures across the ocean and even endured my heavy schoolbooks. Now I have a new addition to my Shopruche purse collection: the deep sea frontier satchel. The lovely lady behind Shopruche is kind enough to offer one of these purses as a giveaway to one lucky reader. So, to win this bag just leave a comment below (open to international readers). I'll draw the winner's name on 8/3/09.

Outfit details: dress- vintage, shoes- Seychelles from my sisters, bag- ShopRuche
I wore my new Shopruche dress on a day trip to the beach. The dress is easy and wonderful to wear in the heatwave I am currently melting under...I sort of hate old homes with "character" that don't have air conditioning right now.
Outfit details: hoodie- some shop in Japan, dress- ShopRuche, bag- Pull and Bear, ring- Etsy, shoes- Urban Outfitters

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Haunted Ocean

This editorial breaks all the rules surrounding fashion shoots located near the ocean. It is bewildering and intriguing, rather like the remnants of a shipwreck on some strange shore. I really enjoy the muted tones throughout which are reflected in the styling of the model.

Marie Claire Italy April 2009 photography by Arnaud Pyvka model Skye Stracke
via Lace&Tea

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Two Years Ago Today

Two years ago I started this blog without any expectations or an inkling of what it would snowball into and I'm still mildly in awe of what it has become. I want to thank all my readers for their comments or even silent presence, you all have kept me motivated and made this whole journey so enjoyable.
Here's a painfully brief recap of the past year:
I spent the summer in Pennsylvania living in my college's dorms and working on campus for the Admissions office as an assistant. When Fall came around I hopped on a plane to travel to Greece with strangers to study for a semester. I spent time traveling around Greece and used a couple of long weekends to explore Budapest and Germany. In December our group was forced to leave prematurely due to the riots taking place in Athens and I flew home for an early Christmas break with my family in Washington State. I returned in the Spring to Pennsylvania for my final semester, enduring snow in the first months back and enjoying the sunshine in the last few. After graduation I flew back to Washington State where I currently am temporarily settled.
If hopes become reality this year will bring as many adventures as the last...

July 2008

August 2008

September 2008

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009
July 2009

I shot the video with my tripod (like I shoot my pictures) as a little thank you to all my blog readers. The song is by Dar Williams. I hope you all enjoy it.

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About: The Clothes Horse is a personal style blog updated daily that reaches more than 9,000 people every day through Google Reader and direct visits.
For specific rates e-mail me: thenewclotheshorse (at) yahoo (dot) com

Recent Statistics:
-5,413 average daily visitors in January
-265,212 page views in January
-9,536 subscribers on RSS
-4,657 followers on Blogger
-3,276 followers on Blog Lovin'
-12,116 followers on Tumblr
-4,041 followers on Twitter

Advertising Options:
-two banner ad sizes available
-posts: giveaways, discount codes, integrated pieces

In Print:
BUST magazine
Online Media:

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Irony Of Life

Thursday began like many other days this week; a bit too early for someone who spent another restless night interrupted with bugle sounds from the nearby parade field. There seems to be a new ceremony nearly every morning and if they aren't sounding bugles or cheering, they're shooting cannons!
Only a couple of hours after waking I found myself seated in a dentist chair contemplating my gratitude that I have no claim to fame. You see, the inherent discomfort involved in allowing an inquisitive stranger to poke around in your mouth must surely be compounded if one is a celebrity. I imagined the pressure of trying to live up to some sort of perception while lying on my back and letting something stick their hands in my mouth...and I was grateful to not be "known."
Later, I dropped by a Joanne Fabrics with my mother for a few odds and ends. At checkout the cashier informed me, "I read your blog."
I was so startled my underwhelming reply was, "Oh." This was followed by a long, awkward silence and eventually the question of, "Do you write a blog?"
At her negative response, I was once again at odds on what to say and was relieved to flee the store shortly afterward. In the parking lot my mother laughed at my being recognized and chastised me for not being friendlier, but as I have stated before on this blog, I am an extreme introvert. Writing is such a welcome medium for me because it allows me time to compose and edit my thoughts without the awkward pauses that might interrupt conversation and gives me a safe distance from those I am communicating with.
This minor event occurring on the self-same day that I was feeling pleased with the anonymity of my person struck me as hilariously ironic. Isn't that how life so often is?
So, to those readers who have had (or will have) the misfortune of meeting me in person (when I least expect it) and being subject to my social ineptitude, I do apologize.

Outfit details: dress- Zara, tights- Target, shoes- Bona Drag, bag- Urban Outfitters, rings- various street vendors
Outfit details: dress- Zara, tights- Betsey Johnson via Modcloth, shoes- Bona Drag, bag- Urban Outfitters, sunnies- Urban Outfitters, rings- secondhand blue nail polish is Sephora by OPI.

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