If A Man Is Honest, He'll Tell You He's Crooked

Umama tagged me to list 10 honest (and unknown?) facts about myself:
1. I still don't know "what I want to be when I grow up..."
2. If I'm feeling antisocial I don't answer my phone.
3. I hate when people assume I'm a girly-girly; I'm not.
4. I can get nervous from the most random things--like being in the front of a long checkout line.
5. I love to travel, especially to new places, but I hate flying alone.
6. Since I learned about the various transgressions by the CEO of American Apparel I have been on a shopping ban of that store (since December).
7. Random facts remain in my memory indefinitely.
8. I don't mind washing dishes, but I hate drying them.
9. I've never had a manicure, pedicure, or any number of other small pampering acts.
10. This is the first tag I've done in ages, even though I have been tagged dozens of times...I get lazy and distracted when it comes to tags.

Outfit details: dress- Sample, scarf- my mother's, bag- Pull and Bear, shoes- Urban Outfitters, bangle- Marc Jacobs via eBay
Outfit details: dress- vintage, shoes- H&M, ring- Etsy

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