I've Been Down This Road Before

A very sweet and polite, however a bit misled comment made me realize it might be time to once again state my blog mantra and explain a bit of what this blog is about. I mentioned it briefly towards the end of a post here and even then someone wise told me I would have to do it again from time to time. To begin with: this isn't a fashion blog (I try to introduce it as a style blog) and further it is merely a blog by a clothes horse--which means I have free reign to post on whatever I want (which I do from art, to movies, to random toys).

Secondly, the blog wasn't started with a motive. I'm not in it to make money, turn it into a business, or break into the fashion industry. I'm in it because it is a creative outlet and I enjoy writing and taking pictures (and yes fashion too, but also art, literature, and graffiti). I'm not even sure I want a job in the fashion industry--I'm also looking at law schools...
Also, while style experimentation is great and I do love it--my pictures feature what I wear every day. This is my daily wardrobe where I work in an office or endure the unpredictable weather and the outfits are designed not to offend my bosses, keep me at a moderate temperature, and not kill my feet. I tend to take my pictures at places a pass through the day, but they are really quick photo-shoots (if you want to call them that) lasting 5-10 minutes at maximum--I only vary the location to keep things interesting and well, because I enjoy taking pictures (lots not of myself, I might add!). While Balenciaga gladiators and Rodarte tights sound rad, really I can't afford them and they do not fit into my lifestyle. So sorry, if my wardrobe is boring, but this what I do wear, not what I think looks awesome or would like to wear on a daily basis and just throw on for a picture.
I hope that clarifies things and I'd be happy to answer any questions this post might bring up...
And what I'm wearing (sorry if I bore you); I got a new vintage Lucite bow from this etsy shop. I'm really over the moon about it and I suppose I am "on trend" now with all the bows, but honestly I couldn't care less, my love for it exists outside of trends. Also, won't it look marvelous with a ribbon instead of a chain, maybe bound to either side with bows--imagine the bow-on-bow-on-bow possibilities!theclotheshorse, the clothes horse, fashion, style, personal, vintage, retro, office, appropriate, business, casual, pencil skirt, houndstooth, lucite, bowtheclotheshorse, the clothes horse, fashion, style, personal, vintage, retro, office, appropriate, business, casual, pencil skirt, houndstooth, lucite, bowtheclotheshorse, the clothes horse, fashion, style, personal, vintage, retro, office, appropriate, business, casual, pencil skirt, houndstooth, lucite, bowtheclotheshorse, the clothes horse, fashion, style, personal, vintage, retro, office, appropriate, business, casual, pencil skirt, houndstooth, lucite, bow
Outfit details: shirt- Urban Outfitters, skirt- secondhand, shoes- vintage, bag- Urban Outfitters, necklace- vintage via Opulent Oddities

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