I recently acquired three new fabulous pairs of heels, since I am convinced that it is time I grow up and learn how to walk in heels. I wore these out right away and they're super comfortable. They have the strangest shape to them on the bottom and make me feel as if I am floating.
Then, I had an epiphany--I realized what they remind me of and why I loved them so much--geta! It is precisely the same sensation I had from walking in geta (while in Japan). Love these! They're shaped like getas on the bottom, just the lines are smoothed. It's like walking on a solid wave...

Outfit details: shirt- secondhand, skirt- American Apparel (and yes, I'm wearing it again!), belt- secondhand, shoes- Seychelles via Amazon.com, bag- old army bag (it's actually my favorite bag, ever)
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