Today was a day I barely felt like breathing. In the epitomy of laziness I spent most of the day in bed in my pajamas munching on fruit and watching television (not even reading W&P, for shame!).
In the evening some energy and desire to move around stirred in my limbs. It seemed like a good opportunity to take pictures by streetlight, which I had been meaning to experiment with for awhile (I love the glow they give at night). Unfortunately, I had barely set up my tripod and taken a few test shots when I saw lightning. Hope that it was merely heat lightning dissolved with the quick grumbles of thunder and the first splatters of rain. I quickly collected my things and hurried back to my dorm room before the storm set in fully...this is why I am usually a planner and the weather forecast is the first thing to pop-up when I turn my computer on. Here's the shots I did get.

Outfit details: shirt- some shop in Japan (I know, how specific), skirt- American Eagle altered by me, shoes- some shop in Hawaii, belt- secondhand
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