TAG (Talented And Gifted)

So, I've been tagged by LCL of Fashion Incognito and here are the rules: Answer all the questions. Tag 6 people, go to their blog and leave a comment to inform them that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answer.
1) What were you doing ten years ago?
Ten years ago I was eleven...I don't know having pre-teen drama with friends?
2) What are five things on your to-do list today?
-work on drawing a Father's Day card
-read more of Madame Bovary
-take pictures
-check my mail (I tend to forget this one)
-alter a dress
3) Snacks you enjoy:
-caramel popcorn
-granny smith apples
-cheese and crackers
-peanut butter (with anything or straight from the jar...)
4)Places you have lived: these are a minimum of six months and a maximum of three years
-Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Washington State, Hawaii, and Pennsylvaniatheclotheshorse, the clothes horse, hawaii, beach, sunshine, bellows beach, bellows air force base, sand castlestheclotheshorse, the clothes horse, hawaii, beach, green sand, green sand beach, hike, beautiful, big island, secret, place, hideaway

-abroad: Germany and Japan
5) What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?
I had a lot of fun thinking of my answers for this one and what I seriously would like to do with endless resources.
-buy my parents a nice vacation house (military issue housing is not so awesome)
-set up a trust fund for one of my sisters and give money to her choice of charity/mission
-help my other sister with her dream school
-travel, travel, travel the world (so it's only four, but really my greatest lifestyle change would be to travel a lot and occasionally buy myself a nice dress or pair of shoes)
6) People you want to know more about:
-my grandfather
-the people of Easter Island
-artist Rauschenberg
-the colonists of Roanoke
-Clara Bow

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