Nothing says summer to me like self-education and exploration of new interests. With free time you have the opportunity to investigate various items that previously only lurked on the outskirts of your conscious. For me, I am setting out to discover the mystery of "french chic." It seems, this late in life (^_-) I have become a Francophile...
To begin with, we start with print. A copy of "Parisiennes: A Celebration of French Women" is currently residing on my bedside to be browsed through in free moments, my nose pressed to the glossy pages as I try to absorb the details in each image. (Bonus points for listening to Edith Piaf while "studying.")

Next comes French cinema, sweeping from the romantic, to the tragic and all the musicals in between. "A Woman is A Woman," "The Young Girls of Rochefort," "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg," and "Breathless," are a few I have watched recently (of these I must name "A Woman is A Woman" as my favorite). My current screen goddess obsessions are Anna Karina and Catherine Deneuve.

Finally there is the modern street style to be enjoyed by a variety of different blogs--which I won't even begin to list.
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