In response to the questions on my lip rouge: The bright cherry red is Clinque LLSS in Red Red Red. The other shade is also Clinque but CSBS-V in Crushed Grape. I’m not a big “beauty” girl, so it’s funny to me that people would care what shade my lipstick is. Also, my nails in the last post were Nicole by OPI in "Girl Talk" (now they're OPI white).
P.S. I’ve discovered a new part of the forest near my campus. Here the woods seem wilder and darker—less tamed and shaped by the hands and feet of man. Gnarled roots have thrust their way across the footpaths and a thick canopy of branches stretch overhead. The grasping arms of vines have climbed up most of the trees and they reach their fingers outward, brushing against passersby like curious pickpockets uncertain of what they will find. I meet no one along the way but one can’t fill lonely in a forest filled with the cacophony of life. Branches stir alluding to wildlife and the drone of insects provides a constant harmonious backdrop. The sun is setting and as the shadows stretch it isn’t hard to believe in enchanted cottages or towers lurking around a twist in the path. The path itself is constantly growing, narrowing and splitting—where does each one end, which will loop back on itself, and what way shall I choose? A black cat dashes out in front of me, it’s back to me. I clap my hands. The creature freezes, looks back at me with glowing eyes and vanishes back into the undergrowth. It did not cross my path, so I do not need to fear back luck…or was it a witch’s familiar? I can’t help but smile; it’s a fitting ending to my brief adventure.

Outfit details: dress- reconstructed man's shirt worn as top, skirt- Forever 21, scarf- my mothers, shoes- Blowfish via Urban Outfitters
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