Everyone's favorite Labbit is back for her second installment. I swear, Nasha is more popular than I! Which is hardly surprising for I find the most interesting people aren't the most popular (indeed they tend to be difficult...) because it is their complexities that fascinate me...and Nasha I am afraid isn't the most complex being.
She has been thoroughly enjoying her time in Washington state. She has been dining out at lovely restaurants on the water which she thinks would be wonderfully romantic had she a beau. She had a number of flattering potential prospects in her last post, but she is shy and rather nervous about Internet/online dating...

Since Nasha isn't afraid of slipping on rocks (indeed she has many times and has the scars and bruises to prove it), she quite enjoyed an outing to Mt. Rainier. There she was able to marvel at the majesty of nature, stop and smell the wild flowers and even spied a camera shy deer that did not seem too keen on companionship...

Being the courageous and rebellious creature that Nasha is, she went under the needle recently and is sporting a large back tattoo. She likes to think it makes her stand out from the other Labbits out there.
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