Meet Nasha. She is a labbit the new model for many of my photographs. She will have a weekly post devoted to her exploits. You see, Nasha accompanies me on many of my trips and she is much more adventurous than me. She is quite the tomboy who likes to climb trees and isn't afraid of skinning her knees on rocks--she's not a clothes horse at all. She prefers going through life in the nude, strangely enough...
When she is forced to be home she spends much of her time snacking at all hours or being a peeping tom to the neighbors (as much as she hopes there is no murder in the neighborhood, she can't help but wish life was a bit more like Secret Window).

At the moment she is a bit lonely and would really like to find true love or have a unicornasaurus as a friend, but sadly must reconcile herself at the moment to human companionship...
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