You like surprises right? Well, I have been containing one, but I thought I would reveal a part if not the whole, since it is the cause for my current stress and everyone’s sweet comments yesterday made me feel an explanation was deserved…
I’m planning on studying abroad in the fall. I have gotten accepted into a program in Europe (I’m still containing the specifics for later disclosure!) and all that is holding me back is visa worries. Unfortunately, the visa process has been going very poorly lately and it’s still up in the air as to whether I will get to go. Things took a turn for the better just yesterday and I’m feeling much more optimistic. So, if things go according to plan I will spend about one month in Washington State visiting with my parents and then jet off to Europe for some “hard” studying. ^_^ If things go poorly I don’t really know what I will be doing in a couple of weeks…
On top of this issue, I am working full time right up until the weekend. Since I am leaving and going abroad, I need to move my things across campus and into storage. I also need to pack enough for my vacation but also keep in mind the potential for my future destination and the length of that stay. So, basically life is a bit hectic.
If you’re surprised I’m still blogging it is because I find blogging therapeutic. Things change from day to day and so much is up in the air at the moment (this situation is also stressful considering it is my senior year so if I don’t go there is a concern of being able to get classes), but this blog is a constant. I take time out to go for a walk and find some place beautiful to me to snap a few pictures. I live vicariously through other blogs I read and I get a huge boost from everyone’s comments. So, really blogging isn’t the burden.

Outfit details: dress- H&M, dress (under)- Forever 21, belt- secondhand, shoes- a gift from my sister (Urban Outfitters)
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