After sighting these two ladies on Facehunter and taking note of the hair and makeup influences from the 1920s (not to mention the outfit of the first girl is a modernized 20s silhouette), I felt the need for more 1920s inspiration.
When I spot a style I like that is historically influenced I like to immerse myself in the films of that era. The first that came to mind was "The Great Gatsby" but I decided instead to look for films and actresses that were icons of the 1920s. Thus, I have decided for a Claudette Colbert and Louise Brooks weekend. In the following days I will be watching: Trouble in Paradise, Pandora's Box, and Imitation of Life. Now I acknowledge that these films starring Colbert are actually made in the 1930s, but she was herself an icon of the 20s and you really can't go wrong with this actress regardless of which decade you watch. Pandora's Box should be a more era accurate film.

Outfit details: dress- vintage via eBay (worn as a top), skirt- secondhand, belt- secondhand, shoes- Dr. Scholls
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