Decidedly Untrendy

While at the mall I picked up this darling star print dress. I suppose star prints have been "in" for awhile and are now on their way "out," but as I have stated numerous times before and will state numerous times again I don't care about following trends or being "in." I'm not a hipster, I am decidedly uncool and if I like something (and I can afford it) I will buy it regardless of where it ranks on the hip scale. star, print, dress, retro, secondhand, vintage, theclotheshorse, the, clothes, horse, daily, outfit, fashion, style, original, trendy, bathroom, photoshoot, tubstar, print, dress, retro, secondhand, vintage, theclotheshorse, the, clothes, horse, daily, outfit, fashion, style, original, trendy, bathroom, photoshoot, tubstar, print, dress, retro, secondhand, vintage, theclotheshorse, the, clothes, horse, daily, outfit, fashion, style, original, trendy, bathroom, photoshoot, tubstar, print, dress, retro, secondhand, vintage, theclotheshorse, the, clothes, horse, daily, outfit, fashion, style, original, trendy, bathroom, photoshoot, tub

I also bought a paint pen awhile ago and have been doodling on certain items rather unsuccessfully. I decided to draw on my laptop however, since the old girl could use some improvement (she is missing a v key and is filthy!) and the results are very pleasing. I suppose I will stop drawing when the whole top is covered...
Outfit details: dress- H&M, shoes- vintage

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