Lately, I have been thinking about how feminine my wardrobe is and what a strange phenomenon that is for me. When I was little I often wore dresses, my mother would even sew me some (I could pick out the pattern and fabric and she would make them and stick ribbons and lace on my socks to match!), but then I sort of went through the "terrible teens." I hated anything that might label me a girly-girly and wore jeans as if they were glued to my body. I still experimented with hair, jewelry, random sashes and such, but nothing that screamed "female!" would come within ten feet of my body. Looking back however, even as a child I didn't like the color pink and I think it was even then because of its half-understood connotations. With two sisters who were not girly-girls and one of those a decided tomboy, it just wasn't cool to be feminine.
If Not For The Pretty Pink Ribbon
However, doesn't our society teach us different? I find it so strange that everything marketed with women in mind seems to have some addition of pink. Looking at the latest line of cell phones, work out wear, diet drinks, etc, you see a wash of pink and often sparkles. The Cupcake Diary did a post on this and mentioned this artist who did some work called The Pink Project. Quiet frankly it's all very frightening and goes back to the extreme gender specific roles we put on people in our society.
All that said, I am wearing an awful lot of pink and girly floral in this outfit, hopefully my caustic attitude will act as a contrast...

Outfit details: cardigan thing- some secondhand shop in Japan, dress- vintage via eBay, belt- secondhand, shoes- H&M (just my basic black ballet flats)
P.S. I really appreciate and feel very honored by everyone who gave me an award. But I think I'm just feeling contrary or something at the moment, so it seems I will be a bit of a thread killer with this one...
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