I have often bemoaned being raised in a fashion illiterate household--yes my father does like his grey socks with his flip flops and I even wore leggings and clogs in my adolescence. However, lately I have begun to think that this was really the perfect environment for developing a sense of style. You see, when you have no preconceptions of what one should wear and no idea of what fashion rules are then you can't be afraid of breaking the rules and aren't really aware that you might stick out like a sore thumb. Yes, you will make style mistakes, but you will also be more adventurous and less likely to fall into following trends.
In a family not into fashion, expensive clothes are definitely not a priority and I remember when I wanted a new pair of jeans and after insisting I didn't need them my father offered the option of going to a secondhand shop. I had to be forced at first but this adventure led to the discovery of vintage gems and ultimately my passion for a more retro-inspired wardrobe. If I had been raised hyper aware of trends and fashion I don't think I would have developed the style sense I have now--I probably wouldn't wear white shoes before labor day, mix green and yellow, mix black and brown, or a variety of other style choice I tend to make.
P.S. I should add my family seems to be taking a very new interest in fashion lately that is quite odd and can attest that they are all becoming rather strangely stylish...but the pictures will always remind me of the dearth I was raised in.
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