We've had a couple of days of sunshine and when the temperatures hop from the 40s to the 60s I feel as if I'm actually experiencing summer...however mild that warmth might seem to others. So much of life is a matter of perspective and comparisons anyway...
I love the details and quality of this little sleeveless blouse from Family Affairs. It's just one of those classic pieces that will truly be timeless; I paired it with my leather skirt for some subtle contrast in style and fabric. Perhaps one day I will be able to wear clean-cut collared shirts with prim little skirts, but for now I'd rather play with elements of soft and hard, preppy and rocker.

Outfit details:
secondhand leather skirt
Seychelles heels (gift from my sisters)
A leather yellow skirt can't really change it's shape for a remix, but there's still a variety of outfits that can be built with it; here are a few ways I've worn it in the past.
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