Flashback Friday Part II

I enjoyed last week's flashback quite a bit and I was curious to see how some of my favorite bloggers looked when they were little, so I asked them to send me some pictures. Everyone was pretty much as adorable then as they are now, although some of the changes in appearance are dramatic!

the clothes horse, flashback friday, fashion, style, childhood photographs, fashion blogger, retro, vintage
Erin of Calivintage
the clothes horse, flashback friday, fashion, style, childhood photographs, fashion blogger, retro, vintage
Winn from Diamond Canopy
the clothes horse, flashback friday, fashion, style, childhood photographs, fashion blogger, retro, vintage
Selina from Flying Saucer

the clothes horse, flashback friday, fashion, style, childhood photographs, fashion blogger, retro, vintage
the clothes horse, flashback friday, fashion, style, childhood photographs, fashion blogger, retro, vintage
the clothes horse, flashback friday, fashion, style, childhood photographs, fashion blogger, retro, vintage
Kristin of Leproust Vintage

*If you'd like to participate in a "flashback friday" shoot me an e-mail
(thenewclotheshorse(at)yahoo.com) with a picture from childhood and a current photo. You can also help keep "Flashback Friday" alive by mentioning it on your blog/twitter/tumblr...but only if you still want to keep seeing these posts!

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