"Is bliss, then, such abyss
I must not put my foot amiss
For fear I spoil my shoe?
I ’d rather suit my foot
Than save my boot,
For yet to buy another pair
Is possible
At any fair.
But bliss is sold just once;
The patent lost
None buy it any more." -Emily Dickinson
When I put this dress on I was reminded that it was over a year ago this vintage beauty came into my possession. It has been on a number of adventures since then; I even chose to wear it at my college graduation last year under my cap and gown. It's such a lovely, understated shade of green and the polka dots make mixing black and brown ridiculously easy. I might be going on a trip late this summer and I do think this dress would be worth packing; such an easy, classic summer staple.

Outfit details:
H&M blazer
vintage dress
H&M tights
Seychelles booties
Erica Weiner bracelets
self-mixed nail polish
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