I was walking to class today (in a bit of a rush to be ten minutes early) when I noticed something on me was squeaking. I like to be silent when I walk so it was very important to find the source of the squeak and put an end to the noise pollution.
Step, step, squeak, squeak. Was it coming from my shoes? Bend at waist, stair fixedly at feet. Step, step, silence... Hmm, maybe it's gone... Stand erect again, walk on. Step, step, squeak, squeak. Where is it coming from?! Stop walking, bend feet around, silence. Hmm... Step, step, squeak, squeak. Grrr, what is this??? Step, step, step, squeak, squeak, squeak.
Finally I got to class, the source of the sound still unknown. I stopped by my desk, when a friend called my name. I turned at the waist to say high---squeeeak! What? Eyes drop down to waist and the source was discovered! My belt was squeaking! Maybe I swing my hips too much while I walk... My sister has called it a "come hither" walk before...

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