I have mentioned modesty before and some of you were curious about what religious group wouldn't allow women to wear pants, so: Some Christians believe that women should only wear skirts and should dress modestly so as to not offend male sensibilities. I've argued endlessly against this (since I am a Christian and attend a Christian university), this article really highlights some of the issues. It looks at the context of the passages that might cause Christians to believe that women should only wear skirts and modesty (which is not defined in the Bible as being sexually alluring--this is a modern translation).
For some really interesting reading, there's a survey where Christian males weigh in on what they think is modest and immodest. Personally it raises my ire to read it, but still fascinating.
In the end, for me what really decides what I wear is my artistic and creative side and my feminist side that chooses skirt lengths! Frankly, I wouldn't be interested in falling into either of these extremes.
Clarification: I don't believe in modesty. I don't think women should only wear skirts. This was meant to inform rather than take a side.

Clarification: I don't believe in modesty. I don't think women should only wear skirts. This was meant to inform rather than take a side.
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