Boys Don't Make Passes At Girls In Glasses

Glasses (outside of the fashion moment they are currently having, please acknowledge that it is a trend and an underground one at that to wear thick, geeky frames) have a stigma of unattractiveness and smarts attached to them. It is rather commonly believed that men prefer women without them. Given the option of contact lenses most people leap at the opportunity.

Geeky frames trend, via Facehunter
Why? Glasses can be used like headbands just like another accessory, so why are these so often seen as "ugly" and the people who wear them instantly judged by their glasses? Perhaps glasses are a sign of our flaws. When wearing them we are openly acknowledging our substandard eyesight, letting the world know we are not perfect. Subconsciously, this could be unattractive for the whole reproductive process, bad genes that will be passed on to the next generation!
Have you ever noticed that no leading ladies wear glasses? In television series the main female leads are not glasses wearers and if there are main ladies in glasses, they are always the geeky, non-vixen type. In Sex and the City a couple of the girls wear glasses but they always whip them off and away whenever an attractive male comes into view. None of the Gossip Girls wear glasses. Neither did the Gilmore Girls (though Lane was a happy exception to this rule!). In a transformation sequence, a girl usually goes from from geek to chic with the removal of glasses. Are glasses really so crippling and unattractive in romantic prospects?
Frames seen on the runways.
I must admit I am guilty of buying into this stigma. Whenever going out for a nice night or clubbing the glasses definitely disappear, although I don't have contact lenses, so this does mean my sight is rather limited...
At the same time, I have grown quite fond of these frames. They have come to be a part of my face. I've forgotten to remove them when going to bed or walking into the shower. Looking in the mirror without them the other day was also disorienting, I felt like part of my face was missing!
So, will we ever move on from this need for perfection and refusing to show our flaws--let alone trying to transform our flaws into beauty marks?

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