The illustrations in Matou en Peluche almost feel like pages trapped in time. Her characters are reminiscent of silent film stars, but are delicately brought out of that black and white world by delicate smudges of pastel. To understand some of the story behind the drawings I asked the artist a few questions. Most of your illustrations are of women (or mermaids), what kind of
women do you draw? I think all the women I draw are very independent and smart and have very large and vivid interior worlds. They have their own characters and individual personalities that are unique to them. I don’t think there’s any commonality to them other than they are interesting and thoughtful about their own world and the world’s of people they interact with.
What are a few of your favorite things?
-I love going for walks along the pretty Sydney foreshore. I love watching a terrific movies too.
-Recent movies I’ve enjoyed are Nowhere Boy, Moon, Inception, Shutter Island, Kick Ass and Rear Window.
-Pussycats: in particular my Dad’s cat Harry. He always rushes over to the phone to have a chat when I ring!
-Fashion photography and historical photos always get my mind ticking over too!
Many of your drawings are reminiscent of the 1920s, is that your
favorite period in history? I’m not sure if it’s my all – time favourite era but it is certainly one of the most interesting. I think it was a turning point in so far as technology was changing rapidly; the clothes were undergoing a revolution of sorts (particularly the women’s) and art and literature ere really pushing the envelope. The style, excitement and chutzpah of this era is hard to beat I think. I’m also very fond of the Victorian era (particularly in England).
A number of your illustrations seem like pages from a story book (like the blue rabbit), are they inspired by tales? They aren’t really inspired by tales but rather by the whole whimsy and magic of fairy tales and children’s books. They are a slice of a story I’ve yet to complete perhaps! I wasn’t really into fairy tales when I was young. I think Fairy tales were a little too dark for me! I was more into Golden Books – particularly those by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Garth Williams. I also adored and still adore Orlando the Marmalade Cat books by Kathleen Hale. Rudyard Kipling’s Just So stories and Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild things are also some special faves.
It's early October...do you have your Halloween costume planned yet? My dream Halloween costume is a full panda bear suit! I did wear one once – it was a brand new one from a hire shop but I would like to own my own! Perhaps I should investigate that further!

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