We had a grey, overcast day and I immediately, excitedly threw on a jacket and tights. It was still a little too warm for all the layers. As much as I enjoy sitting in the sand and sun, I am feeling ready for autumn layers and changing leaves. Or perhaps I just excited to move into a home and start baking fall sweets in the kitchen?
While I gripe here about my lack of clothing options from suitcase living, there are really a number of factors leading to current restlessness. In truth, I've lived out of two suitcases for longer (while I studied abroad in Japan and Greece). Yet, in both instances I was able to "settle in" a bit; to unpack, to cook my own food in a kitchen, leave books and papers scattered about and generally get comfortable. With constantly changing surroundings and an endless string of forgettable hotel rooms all the comforts of home are erased. Your are forced to be prepared for flight at any moment. In the end, that is what is tiring: not the new places, not the limited clothes, but the constant need for readiness and the lack of a permanency. I can move frequently, but I prefer to go and experience a place for several months. I love moving, but can the movie time (time on the road) be shorter next time around...?

Outfit details:
UO jacket
Triptych dress
ASOS tights
Nine West heels
backpack bought in Japan
*all pictures by me
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