Lately, the temperatures are so low that the morning frost lingers lay into the day and sometimes never dissipates at all. Although we don't have a snow-covered region, we clearly still have a bit of white wonderland around us some days.
This outfit is precisely how I like to wear color in winter. I'm still donning several bold colors, but they're in splashes and accents, making me feel rather season appropriate (whatever that is). The dress is rather new and quite cool; unfortunately I was too cold to shed my jacket to show you the details. I'm not a big fan of the color purple, but this type of color saturation catches my eye every time.
How amusing is this little foaming mug brooch I'm borrowing from Market Publique? When my sister saw it she asked me if I was headed to a beer garden...

Outfit details: dress & jacket- Urban Outfitters, scarf- secondhand, brooch- vintage on loan from Market Publique, socks- courtesy of Ozone Socks, boots- Forever 21
Outfit details: dress & jacket- Urban Outfitters, scarf- secondhand, brooch- vintage on loan from Market Publique, socks- courtesy of Ozone Socks, boots- Forever 21
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