One of the main reasons I think I have so many clothes and that they are my focus is: this nomadic lifestyle that uproots me to a new home every few years. Despite a love for books, I own very few (I enjoy libraries...I even dress like a librarian). I don't have "a collection," or rather my clothes are my collectibles. There are nearly no framed pictures on my bedroom walls; instead I like to hang pretty, vintage dresses on fabric hangers and nails. My shelves are cluttered with shoes, jewelry, hair accessories, and the occasional art supply.
While I have very little trouble justifying a reasonably priced dress, a long-winded and heated, mental debate takes place over every vintage bookend or crystal bottle I find that catches my eye. To me, my wardrobe gets used. My clothes are an active part of my life and even the pieces that only get worn once in a blue moon, do get worn. But what would that bronze horse figurine do? It would stoically stand on crowded dresser, mocking me with it's uselessness in my life. I can't take it with me to a party. It doesn't keep my legs warm in winter. And when I move (as I inevitably will), it's a cumbersome object to be packed away and pulled out to once again take up space.
Ultimately, I'd like to have a cluttered, eclectic home. I have this vague vision of a rose-tinted room somewhere between a vintage shop and a fun house. But even as I'm contemplating another move this summer, how can I justify a bronze horse figurine right now? When will I be settling down and amassing my collection?

Outfit details:
turtleneck- H&M
vest- borrowed from Market Publique
tights- gift
shoes- Bloch via Gilt Fuse
necklace- Modcloth
airplane ring The Quotation
filigree ring- Joanna Laura Constantine via Gilt
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