Happy 2009 everyone!
Niotillfem has a lovely feature on her blog where once in awhile she will post pictures from every hour of her day. For the last day of 2008 I persevered to take a picture from every hour of my uneventful day. I am also introducing my Christmas present from my parents, my new camera.
9:00am Breakfast of homemade pumpkin bread and a green apple

10:00am Checking e-mail

11:00am Curled my hair

12:00 Outside it was raining

1:00 pm One of my favorite art books Reset

2:00pm My sister's favorite film "Empire of the Sun"

3:00pm Doodles from my notebook

4:00pm Library visit

5:00pm My sister sipping hot tea

6:00pm More sitting around

7:00pm Outside is dark

8:00pm Ornaments from our tree

9:00pm The chandelier looks pretty

10:00 pm Hot and stylish bowling shoes

11:00 pm Bowled a good game

12:00 Sparkling cider with the family

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