Flakes swirl thick and white past the window, more like a swarm of angry bees than delicate pieces of ice. In a fury they seem to fall swift and fast, intent upon mastering the ground. They cover every possible inch, determined to leave no sign of life or patch of green exposed.
I sit huddled under my blanket, wrapped in a cocoon of warmth and light, watching their determined progress. As still as a statue I am, despite the restless itch that persists underneath my skin. The weather has left us stranded, bound in an icy grip that burns cold and strong. This temporary captivity is no real suffering, but my mind is frantic on thoughts of the future. Why is it that Peter Pan is the only being who doesn't have to grow up? 

Outfit details: jacket- H&M, dress- eBay, jeans- some shop in Japan, boots- some shop in Athens Greece, hat- vintage, gloves- H&M

Outfit details: jacket- H&M, dress- eBay, jeans- some shop in Japan, boots- some shop in Athens Greece, hat- vintage, gloves- H&M
Outfit details: jacket- Gap, dress- Zara, tights- Target, boots- some shop in Athens Greece, headband- DIY
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