When I asked my sister to describe my style, she called it "trendy." I was a bit miffed. I was hoping for quirky, eccentric, personal, classic with a twist, etc. You see there are a number of words I have a problem with (cute, hip, trendy.) To me to be trendy is to be a slave to the trends. Concerned with what is "in" and what is "out" this season--which I'm not.
Since I do follow fashion I tend to become aware and drawn by the current "ins." I believe that enough exposure to an item can lead to attraction (this is what happened to me with bubble hems: hatred grew to acceptance, which grew to desiring). Ultimately, though I like to decide what I like or dislike regardless of trends and attempt to remain honest to my personal style (whatever that is). To be perfectly honest with my limited fashion how can I be a slave to trends? I can't trash my wardrobe or buy a new one each season! I don't even do regular season shopping; new clothes at the beginning of a school year and a fresh wardrobe in spring.

All this has gotten me thinking about the trends--the good, the bad, and the ugly. There is good to be said about trends; they bring changes and new looks, which are exciting. Trends are also the stock of the young we can embrace them wholeheartedly and laugh when we look back at the "mistakes" we made, because part of the joy of fashion is something dressing like lunatics. But the bad, why are we so eager to cast off things we formerly "loved" (or were infatuated with) and love whatever the next thing we are told to love. It makes us seem unthinking and slaves to marketing, without thoughts or opinions of our own. The ugly: why do we even ignore our own body types and wear just plain unflattering garments? Giant shoulder pads, hammer pants, exaggerated bubble hems, while these can be pulled off, clearly not everyone has the body for them!

I adore fashion, but I am frustrated by the transient nature and our own fickleness in regards to it. Should I desire to look back on some outfits I made in the past and laugh or should I look back still in love with each item and wonder where they have gotten to?
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