Some recent reflections on the pros and cons of John Galliano had me wondering about the entire world of haute couture and fashion; are we so interested in fashion as a means of escapism? While the pictures of runways and intricate garments around the world are inspiring, they are far removed from me in so many ways (physical distance, economic girth, and pure reason).
The frivolous quality of an interest in fashion has often been bandied around. I myself recognize the connotations that come with a preoccupation in fashion (I usually omit mentioning it to people at my school), however really any focused interest outside of an academic subject seems to make someone seem less intelligent. Sports, baking, video games, each of these are also hobbies which give little benefit to anyone. Why are men obsessed with football not labeled as frivolous? I do not think fashion should be attacked as overtly frivolous and useless--since at least fashion is something you wear every day.

But what about the haute couture fashion, clothing as art, expensive in the extreme, these are not worn by the common man every day. Why do I check online numerous times each day (during fashion weeks) to see what designer has shown and what colorful artifice has stalked down the runway? Visiting these sites, analyzing the pieces, what value and benefits do they really impart to me? A momentary escape from my daily mundanity, a glimpse into a different world? At the end of the day I must turn off the computer or look away and return to real life, with a few hours wasted...

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