As my 21st birthday approaches next week I decided to look back in old photo albums. So, let's play a game...Can you spot the Clothes Horse in these pictures? Hint: I'm the cute one.
Looking Back
Spin Cycle
Some of you might remember the pictures I took previously in the washer and dryer (since my clothes are hanging in the basement). I wasn't completely satisfied with the results last time. I changed the angle and I'm much more pleased this time around. I am especially pleased with the soft, faded colors of the background and the poppy brights of my outfit.
When I asked my sister to describe my style, she called it "trendy." I was a bit miffed. I was hoping for quirky, eccentric, personal, classic with a twist, etc. You see there are a number of words I have a problem with (cute, hip, trendy.) To me to be trendy is to be a slave to the trends. Concerned with what is "in" and what is "out" this season--which I'm not.
The Tights, Part Two
Encouraged by the somewhat success of my first pair of customized stockings, I decided to do another pair. I fell back to my signature style of doodling and drew on the outside of each leg. I'm not completely decided on whether these are "finished" or not, but they are definitely already wearable! My pictures aren't the best because my battery started to die, so it was one quick shot for everything, though I would like to showcase them better. Oh, and I'm leaving the first pair with only one leg drawn on, because personally I prefer it that way.
The Chambered Nautilus
Sometimes (oftentimes) others put it more eloquently:
Child of the wandering sea,
Drawing my Vanity
I finally got around to doing that D.I.Y. tights project I mentioned ages back. A brief visit to Target rewarded me with several pairs of tights for an average of $2.00 each. Most I don't think I will alter in any way, but I felt these bright blue ones would work well for my little project (yellow would have been better, but these would do).
I couldn't quite figure out a way to give the tights the shape of my legs without wearing, so (against my previous instructions) I wore them while drawing on them! I layered a pair of black opaques underneath and used a sharpie marker to create the design. I may go in an darken the lines again, but they're darker than they appear in these images, since the flash alters the appearance of the tights somewhat.
So, here in all their symbolic vain glory are my new peacock feather tights:
One Trick Pony?
Sometimes I wonder if I am becoming a one trick pony. I've gotten on this kick of wearing layered skirts and the same silhouette. Luckily, I have a shopping excursion planned for this weekend to a real mall (my first real mall in ages, thrift stores are grand, but sometimes you want more). Hopefully, I will force myself to diversify and buy pieces that I normally wouldn't and so update my look. I having been playing around with different doodles and drawings lately, still trying to find that scribbling style that is my own.
My brief mention to old Hollywood starlets in another post reminded me of one of my favorites, Jean Harlow (who was in love with one of my favorite male stars, William Powell). Jean Harlow was the original blonde bombshell (I'm not giving that term loosely out of fandom, this term was coined for her); she had a flair for drama and comedy. She tragically died young of poor health from which she had suffered all her life.
The Creative Touch
I mentioned this before, but sometimes clothes make me excited--dressing becomes a pleasure and a creative endeavour. I really like this new outfit made possible by my new striped skirt. Also, everything I'm wearing is thrifted except the teal skirt (which was on sale) and the tights (also on sale), which means it was extraordinarily cheap!
Ninja has a project going on, which requires creative pictures from all over the world that say "Michelle Loves Tyler." It sounds like fun, I'm already thinking of something I would like to submit... Everyone with free time and creative juices should send one in--I'm sure she'll share the final results!
Chasing Youth?
I am already convinced for a variety of reasons that my generation is full of "Peter Pans" or boys who refuse to grow up, but I'm also wondering if the our quest for youth has led us to become a generation of Lolitas? Due to the marvels of plastic surgery Hollywood never seems to age and it's also ironic how women get cast as mothers as actors only a few years their junior (Angelina Jolie in Alexander). Are we led to believe that men are only attracted to the very young and juvenile (are men led to believe that is beauty?)?
I miss summer, I miss Hawaii and I want to go back! This has been the longest winter I've ever experienced and it's not over yet. There are many joys to being the daughter of a military officer, you experience many different places by moving every three years. But unfortunately if you get really attached to some place (Hawaii) you are forced to leave there as well. Will I ever get to go back?