I feel like there should be a "Blogger Support Group," not a group to help you learn html or draft a good post, but a group that boosts your confidence. If I had received all the positive comments I get daily on my blog in high school, those years would probably have gone very differently. In day to day life I get little or no feedback on my clothes, style, or craziness; yet, I can write two posts a day (which I often do, because I seem to live more virtually than I do in reality) and receive nearly a dozen comments within twenty-four hours that are if not complimentary, then inquisitive, constructive, or intriguing. With all the positive energy most bloggers spread, how can anyone with a blog go through the day down-hearted? (I've spoken to my sister relatively about this topic and she replied, "don't you wish you had started one awhile ago?" And my response was, "Why didn't I???")

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