Tagged by Dramatis Personae, so here are my 8 random facts:
1. I don't like hot drinks, it really doesn't matter what flavor you give me--I've tried them all. There's just something so unpleasant about swallowing a mild to hot liquid and feeling the icky, warmth slink down your throat and into your gut. Ick.
2. Some of you might have guessed this from my pictures, but I danced when I was little. I did ballet from around age 5 to 13 and wore pointe shoes towards the end of that time.
3. My first "fashion" moment happened at perhaps one of the least fashionable moments. I had always liked clothes, but it hadn't translated to fashion until this moment: my family had just moved to Hawaii and we were living in an empty military with rented "aloha" furniture and I couldn't fall asleep and so was up late--messy hair, random reject pajamas and scrubbed face. I was flipped through the channels and suddenly Style was on and they were showing a live runway of Christian Lacroix. Something just clicked inside me; fashion+art+color=love. Christian Lacroix is to this day my favorite designer.
4. I adore white chocolate--given the chance to eat dark, milk, or any sort of candy bar I will inevitably choose a bar of solid white chocolate with additions.
5. I like to have everything scheduled far in advance, I will tell people I can't come to things if they spring it on my last minute, because without my schedules I can become a nervous wreck. One of my friends is similar to me and we often argue with our "spontaneous" friends that free time and spontaneity can be scheduled (ex: Friday morning breakfast 0700 hours, class 0800 hours, 0900-1000 free time, 1030 group meeting, see? easy-peasy).
6. I enjoy vocabulary and learning new words or trying to use unusual ones in day to day dialogue. I just find language fascinating and so full of potential.
7. I'm almost blushing to admit to this one (maybe I should just say I blush easily as a random fact...) I have never dated. This means: I have never been on a date, taken to a dance, or had a boyfriend. And yes, ladies and gentlemen I am 20 years old (21 in less than 2 months). I have been asked by some people, but I never was interested enough in the person to try it...
8. I am outwardly a cynic (precocious was a common term thrown around about me when I was younger), but I think deep-down I am a romantic. I believe there are things as soul mates and destiny--I just don't think everyone has a soul mate and destiny isn't always great and wonderful things. Ha! That's the cynical side for you.
9. I hate exercise and don't tend to do it, but I love playing ping-pong. My family used to have a table and there are tables at my school, but I can hardly ever find anyone to play with!
Now I would like to know more about:
And in conclusion, pictures of what I'm wearing to day, I had to dress "business casual" for a final presentation. Now I'm off to dine on homemade crepes baked by my lovely sister.

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