Here are some random new outfits I put together last night--when I was supposed to be packing for Thanksgiving Break which officially starts today. Yay!
1. I love listening to NPR (National Public Radio). It's the first thing I turn on in the morning to listen to as I get ready--classical music, news updates, and story time, what is not to love?
2. My closet is color organized and placed as close as a spectrum as possible; yellow greens become true greens, become aqua green becomes greenish blues, etc.
3. I'm not from anywhere. I hate it when people ask "where are you from?" because I don't have a quick or easy answer. My father is in the army; I was born in Maryland and moved for the first time when I was six months old and have been moving every few years ever since. I don't consider any place "home." Though, my favorite "homes" have been Germany and Hawaii.
4. I brush my teeth in the shower. I think this is very odd, I don't know why I do it--other than to save time, maybe. Does anyone else do this???
5. My purse will always contain: a book, my moleskin, and my camera. I snap pictures like crazy, so much so that my nickname in Japan was "paparazzi."
6. I have poor eyesight and prescription glasses, but I don't wear my glasses or contacts. I got them in high school and I could never get used to them! I have to sit in the front of the classroom because of this, but I don't bump into things.
7. For post-college education (I am a junior) I am torn between art school, law school, and joining a roaming band of gypsies. Any one want to take to the open road with me?
Now I tag:
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