My Jewels

I've been making an effort to wear more jewelry (I own more than anyone I know), since most days I go without any. I always feel slightly fussy when I start putting on jewelry; earrings are good--usually discreet, but I tend to forget to put some in. I adore bangles and cuffs of all kinds (bracelets are my favorite jewelry item), but bangles make so much noise and I like to be silent when moving (like an assassin). For jewelry I am drawn to the unique or odd. My porcelain Dutch clog pendant was originally a what-not shelf item that I converted into a necklace and this tends to be the theme with most of my jewelry. Point being, I own a lot of jewelry and I need to give it more wear.

Today I wore my cloisonne necklace from the Honolulu China Town and it just served to remind me how much I love cloisonne (and why I can never resist buying more jewelry).
Side note: Some of you asked where I get my's a difficult question. I get them all over: zappos, urban outfitters, thrifted, gap, china town, etc. I find urban outfitters has a really nice selection of flats. Also, I have so many flats because I have nearly no heels! I can't walk in heels to save my life, so flats are my bread and butter.

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