I have settled into my dorm room and managed to unpack (in one day) all my thirteen boxes and two suitcases. I should preface that with the fact that these are mostly SMALL boxes and I have re-packed about four boxes worth of things I do not actually need. Now, with my wall collage and a few quirky details, the dorm room is beginning to feel like a real room...at least half of it anyway. Like my cyclops jug with fresh blooms?
Speaking of quirkiness, I really like interesting packaging. And after a semester in Japan I am convinced the Japanese have America beat as far as package design goes. (I mean, if a package designer from America was in competition against one from Japan, the one from Japan would win hands-down, kick-his-butt.) I saw these packages all the time in Japan and really liked them. They are different flavors of these corn puff things. The last two are modeled after a Japanese daruma doll (which I bought about 8 of while I was there). The daruma doll is a good luck charm, you make a wish and paint in one eye of the doll and when the wish comes true you paint in the other.

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