Eco Style
Wind energy is our most renewable resource, but typical wind turbines are an eye sore and often noisy (they can decrease property value). This however is not the case for the new XCO2 wind turbines now appearing in the UK. These babies look as good as they are for our world. For more, visit here.
Under the Scissors
Tomorrow I am going under the scissors. I am cutting and dyeing (for the first time) my hair and it's going to be a BIG and dramatic change. Naturally, I am quite nervous. I am trying to calm and reason with myself, but it's not really working...
Bedding Down
Ink Me Please
One of my near future goals is to finally bite the bullet and get the tattoo I have been dreaming of for years now. Until then, here are some of the ones I find quite beautiful.
My future tattoo will also be black and white (since I am not a huge fan of color tattoos) and on my upper back. If I end up falling completely in love with tattoos an interesting place I have seen a lot of lovely tattoos is behind the ear. My tattoo will be two martlets (mythological birds).This is an image of the martlet as seen in a coat of arms, but there is no real established picture of what a martlet is required to look like. The important thing to me is what the martlet symbolizes. The martlet is a bird without feet and so is unable to land, therefore the martlet symbolizes a constant search for knowledge and learning, as well as restlessness and wanderlust. In heraldry, it was often assigned to a fourth son who often received no financial wealth from his family and had to earn his way entirely on his own in the world.
Beauty Beneath the Surface
Public transportation is amazing. I am a huge fan (despite currently living in a public-transportationless location). Subways are a particular favorite and not just for convenience, but they are also often surprisingly lovely. From the modern, to the artistic, to the gilded, subways are being designed for maximum visual appeal. Here are some of my favorites from around the world (in no particular order), for a look at forty noteworthy subway stations go here.
The Creative Urge
I have lately felt a great creative drive. This has been driving me to look at design schools, take dozens of pictures with hardly an excuse, and even write. I just completed a humorous short story to share with some of my new friends from this summer.
And this is not just because of her wild eyes which often lead her to looking possessed, which is actually a look I admire in a model. No my affection for Sasha stems from her talent as an artist. Before modeling she studied art history and is almost always seen backstage with a sketchpad in hand. Her talent actually recently led to a recent art show of her work in Paris.
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep."
All Boxed Up
People will try to define you and put you in a box. Fashion is no exception to this rule. The originals.The modern incarnation.
My version.
History and fashion tend to repeat themselves.
Vintage Spoils
Card Sharps
I am back from a rousing day with the family. We played cards (I lost) and Othello (I lost). Together we walked down old streets and peeked into darling shops. For one night I slept in the attic and attempted to take interesting pictures in the artistic space. I fought, I cried, and I laughed. All in all, it was a very usual day with the family.
Allow me to introduce, the family...
With another day of dreary, wet, chill weather, I am reminded that Fall is on the way (whether I am willing to relinquish summer or not). With my chilly nose and soggy pants, I am dreaming of beautiful fall layering.This picture is actually a couple of seasons old (and I can't remember what runway), but is still my ideal of fall dressing. Although any of the following Marc Jacobs combinations will do me just fine...