They say the way you spend your New Year can decide how you will spend the rest of the year. Last year I hiked on an active lava flow by moonlight and threw champagne bottles into a skylight (where you could look down and see the active lava traveling beneath your feet). Later that year I traveled alone to Japan to study the language, drank for the first time, experienced a lot of firsts and started this blog. Tonight I will be bowling with my family through midnight, who knows what the year will entail?
Happy New Year?
Which Came First?
I read on Style_Bubble that "techno-tribe" is being tossed about in the fash-world as the new trends this season. This follows nu-wave, boho, and various other hot trend terms. To me however it begs the question, which came first the trend or the trend's name?
When your head is ringing and your heart is singing
To balance out the reckless reverie that will no doubt take place for most of you on New Year's Eve here is my latest movie pick, the sober comedy My Man Godfrey. Starring one of my favorite old movie gents, William Powell, the film starts with a wild party game where ditsy socialite (Carole Lombard) brings back derelict Godfrey to win the game and ends the night hiring him as her bizarre family's new butler. While coping with this eccentric rich family's whims might be enough to show that nothing about Godfrey is ordinary, his mysterious past adds to his character's intriguing persona.
Hisashiburi! Wie gehts?
I know you haven't seen or heard a peep from me in awhile, but are you ready to see double? I had some fun with one of the features on my father's camera.
Winter White
I'm off to the Grandmother's place for the next few days which means there won't be any Internet access (how will I survive?). I promise to take lots of pictures and I hope to get some shopping in while I am there.
Right now I am dreaming of some winter white outfits. I really have none of the requirements for a proper white outfit, but a girl can dream. Here's my inspiration: Chanel and Nina Ricci.
'Tis the Season to be Tagged
I have been tagged by Jello on Springs and since I have yet to turn down a fair tag, here goes:
Busy, Busy Legs
My legs are starting to become the center of attention when it comes to an outfit. I suppose that is how it goes when it is winter and you are determined to continue wearing skirts. I at least haven't starting pinning random brooches or butterflies to my legs (not that the thought hasn't crossed my mind).
Print me a Pretty Picture
May I just share with you how much I love Kate Spade's print advertisements? Honestly, I could care less about the bags or whatever other item she might be hawking, I just adore the pictures. Does anyone remember the mix of old black and white images with poppy bright backgrounds and glam models from last year (I just flipped through last year's Dec. Vogue with Nicole Kidman on the cover and saw them again)? By far though my favorite campaign would have to be the large spread where the main model seems to be veiled in mystery and suspicion. Upon seeing these I promptly ripped them out, one hangs in a place of honor tacked to my wall with a thumbtac and the others were hastily pasted into my "idea" journal--ah, isn't that love the near-destruction and humiliation of a slip of paper?
The whole spread actually quite reminds me of How To Steal a Million with Audrey Hepburn.
Truth, Lies, and Mystery
Some mysteries in life and history never seem to have an answer: was there ever an Atlantis or Shangri-la (based off of Shambhala in Tibetan Buddhist tradition)? Will anyone ever be able to explain the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle? And does Big Foot exist (this pig, or Hogzilla 2 makes me think, yes)?
Granny Chic
Inspired by this post on (Into) the Fray, I decided to turn some crochet Christmas tree ornaments my grandmother gave my mother years ago into jewelry--or at least pendants. Its particularly amusing since my grandmother usually gives me really nice jewelry as presents, she would never guess something she intended to hang on a tree would end up around my neck.
What to wear?!
I can be a bit indecisive about what to wear and this leads me to changing several times in the morning or dissatisfaction and changing later in the day. I usually put together an outfit the night before (or earlier, sometimes I have several days in advance mentally laid out) and this cuts down on my dissatisfaction. Of course, returning home once again brought on the onslaught of indecision. So this morning I threw on my black knit dress for comfort and the shrunken sweater I found in the little boys' department at a thrift store (and hardly wear). But then when it was time to head outside the sweater with the cropped sleeves wasn't very comfortable under my jacket and my legs could get chilly, so my basic outfit changed again. And now I am already thinking ahead for the next several days to end this clothing drama!
How do you people like the new basic backdrop? Wood paneled closet at my dorm lacking, I decided the bare wall in the basement next to the laundry room might be good. I can balance my camera on the stairs and interact with the bear.