I first found Dear Beatrice through Erin's Tumblr and it was quite a happy discovery. Her style is sweet, colorful and never boring. I asked Beatrice to plan a dream party for us and the results were as whimsical and sweet as she seems.What type of party is it?
It's an enchanted tea party under the stars.
Who's invited?
Who's invited?
Eric Northman, Jane Austen, Frida Kahlo, Anna Karina, Mr. Darcy, Edgar Allan Poe, the evil Queen from Snow White, Nana in her 2D manga form, Holden Caulfield, Walt Disney, and my sister.
Where does it take place?
In a pretty enchanted, but mysterious, forest at dusk with howling wolfs in the distance. The lighting is soft and dim with the help of floating candles and fireflies. There are no tables, just soft floral blankets on the ground with lots of pillows.
What are you serving?
What are you serving?
Finger sandwiches and lots of sweet pastries like macarons and tarts with tea of course and wine. There are also a few packs of True Blood for my vampire.
Who would get to sit next to you?
Eric Northman on one side so I could convince him to turn me into a vampire and Jane Austen on the other to talk quietly about the mysterious Mr. Darcy and what the lifestyle and fashion of her times were really like.
What is everyone wearing?
What is everyone wearing?
Everyone is wearing what they want, but I'm wearing a pretty cream silk dress with lace from the Regency era.
Is there a special play list or entertainment?
The play list consists of shoegaze music like Slowdive and Resplandor with some Broadcast mixed in there. For entertainment we'll play hide and seek and the evil Queen will read our cards afterward.
Are there any party favors?
Is there a special play list or entertainment?
The play list consists of shoegaze music like Slowdive and Resplandor with some Broadcast mixed in there. For entertainment we'll play hide and seek and the evil Queen will read our cards afterward.
Are there any party favors?
Everyone will get to take home a character drawing of themselves thanks to Walt Disney.
What are the hot topics of the evening?
Walt and the evil Queen go at it about Snow White. Apparently the evil Queen wants her heart but Walt isn't having any nonsense from her. It gets awkward between Jane and Mr. Darcy while Frida and Nana laugh about it. My sister and Anna are smitten with Holden but he plays it cool and starts having a highly intellectual, and not to mention pointless, conversation with Edgar. I try to convince Eric to turn me into a vampire but he won't budge so I make sure to tell him that I have Sookie locked away to make him understand.
Who is the most likely to get drunk and dance on the table?
Who is the most likely to get drunk and dance on the table?
Without a doubt that would be myself and my sister, although there are no tables but definitely dancing.
Who is the last to leave?
Who is the last to leave?
Eric was a big help and called the cleaning crew.
For more visit Dear Beatrice
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