A friend shared this story with me about a week ago and it was far too good to keep to myself; the images will make you smile, but the story is even sweeter. When French photographer Sacha Goldberger heard his grandmother was feeling lonely and depressed he hatched a scheme to cheer her up. He suggested she dress up in costumes while he photographed her in unusual settings and locations; she reluctantly agreed, but couldn't stop smiling once they started.
His grandmother (Fredricka) was a bit of a superhero; during World War II she saved the lives of 10 Jewish she knew. Sacha characterizes his grandmother as having incredible strength, but also an amazing sense of humor. Both are evident in the photographic series titled "Mamika" which depicts Fredricka as a unique superhero. The story is becoming a viral hit. Fredricka now has her own Myspace page and interacts with new "fans" every day who love her story and want her to adopt them. Sacha reports that after the set his grandmother hasn't given a hint of depression. Her image has also become an inspiration to others.
The story and photographs that result definitely make me smile. It is also a nice reminder of the usefulness of creativity. So often it seems that those who focus on creative fields are told their work has less merit or benefit to society than others. However, while not every act of photography is as "helpful" as perhaps nursing, there is a lot of good that can result from creative acts--and benefits beyond the artist...
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