As you can tell, the wind was blowing me around like mad and while it breathed some life in to vintage collar it also made my hair crazy. Part way through the shoot I pulled my hair up and into a bun because I really can not stand my hair flying every which way, especially when I might have to hold down my skirt so I don't flash the camera! Ironically, I just ordered some bike shorts to wear under my dresses to make this problem moot, but they didn't arrive quite in time...
This vintage collar is several things I typically am not: pink and hugely ruffled. As some of you might recall, pink is my least favorite color...I have been known to say I even feel animosity towards it (all because I tend to personify colors too much). However, when I tried it in the shop I suddenly liked it quite a bit. I started to think about how fun it would be to add to a variety of different dresses and blouses; I love pieces with versatility. It was also so reasonably priced and unlike any collars I've seen before. For this outing I decided to wear it a little off center, with the ruffles focused on my shoulder.

Outfit details:
vintage ruffle collar
UO dress
secondhand belt
filigree ring via Gilt
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