Continually Scramble The Familiar

the clothes horse, personal style, fashion blog, remix, retro, vintage, plaid shirtdress, knit vest, black and white, puget sound
If this outfit looks familiar it is because it is a copy of the outfit I use in my header. A great motivation to never repeat a certain outfit would be making it your header image on your blog and being forced to see it every day. However, I still love this dress and vest and I wanted to wear them together again. Since the shoes and tights are different I suppose it isn't a head-to-toe copy, but there was clearly no sartorial transformation. I'm definitely not against repeating garments, but I do usually try to avoid repeating an exact outfit. I sort of turn getting dressed into a game and the big rule is to only wear every combination once, but I'm also against not letting yourself wear something because of some silly, here I am breaking one of my personal "rules." After all, my number one rule is that getting dressed should be enjoyable.
the clothes horse, personal style, fashion blog, remix, retro, vintage, plaid shirtdress, knit vest, black and white, puget soundthe clothes horse, personal style, fashion blog, remix, retro, vintage, plaid shirtdress, knit vest, black and white, puget soundthe clothes horse, personal style, fashion blog, remix, retro, vintage, plaid shirtdress, knit vest, black and white, puget soundthe clothes horse, personal style, fashion blog, remix, retro, vintage, plaid shirtdress, knit vest, black and white, puget soundthe clothes horse, personal style, fashion blog, remix, retro, vintage, plaid shirtdress, knit vest, black and white, puget sound

Outfit details:
UO dress
Modcloth necklace
knit vest, gift from my sister
Cynthia Rowley tights via Gilt
vintage shoes
A few other and more varied ways that I've worn this dress.

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