I'm really drawn to photographers and editorials that offer a sense of escapism. Whether it be the perfected elegance of Rodney Smith, or the imaginative offerings of Tim Walker, both capture a view of the world that is unreal. Lately, with a desire for brighter skies and warm, golden sand, the photographs of Wendy Bevan are captivating me.
This particular set is full of washed out tones and soothing blues; she shoots a lot on Polaroid and prefers natural lighting. There's a narrative quality to her pictures as well, as if these could be the stills from a Godard film. All in all, it's making me long to run away to the beach in faded basics and nautical stripes... 

"To me, style is just the outside of content, and the content the inside of style, like the outside and the inside of the human body. Both go together, they can't be separated." -Jean Luc Godard
all Wendy Bevan
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