The other bloggers at the Weardrobe Conference definitely gave me a lot of inspiration for outfits and new swag is also useful towards changing things up. One my of first outfits back in Washington state was inspired by this outfit that Erin (who just received an award on Strawberry Koi) wore.
The vintage dress plus oxford heels feel like a perfect transition into more fall-inspired outfits. My dress was one of the pieces I snagged at the clothing swap on our last morning. Keiko Lynn added it to the mayhem. If you haven't visited Keiko's shop Postlapsaria filled with her own designs and reconstructed vintage pieces I suggest you do. The Seychelles oxford heels were another gift from our sponsors and "Green is Good" tote bag from Hayden-Harnett originally held much of our swag. The heels have a hidden wedge which make them very comfortable and the tote is nicely sturdy--I look forward to using it often. It's remarkable the pieces I received that I feel I would have bought myself and the ones that are outside my comfort zone that I look forward to stretching myself with...
I'm still loving this matte nail polish which I snagged in gray as well as red. I left two nails red (one on each hand) for variety...
Most of this set was shot for me by Sandy; thank you Sandy!
Delightfully Tacky just named me "Blogger of the Moment" and there's a wee interview of me here. She asked some very thoughtful questions that I really enjoyed answering. Thanks Delightfully Tacky!
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