A Peek Inside

Closet shots in magazines always look so glamorous...I suppose it is because the wardrobes they choose are gigantic, well-lit, and hyper organized by an army of small minions. My closet is about as neat right now as it will be the entire semester and I suspect the floor of it will soon be littered with random items...
Outfit details: jacket- H&M, dress- Urban Outfitters, vest- gift, tights- gift, shoes- H&M, backpack- some shop in Japan
Lucia wanted to know what my "blog space" looks like. Well, when my computer is cooperating and I don't have to go to a computer lab to get online, I tend to blog from bed. I have a desk which I use when writing papers or doing homework, but when I'm just kicking back and browsing the web I pick up my laptop and hop into bed.
Remember when I began this doodle on my laptop and finished it?

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