I'm the kind of person who doesn't just feel alone in a crowd, but feels downright lonely. I find loneliness in forced groups far worse than loneliness when one is alone, because it isn't expected or understood. Lately, it has been a slight struggle for me in a such a large group and a constant sense of misunderstanding and intangible distance. Exposed zippers I sewed myself into my clothes raises eyebrows and incomprehension--and after awhile trying to explain the thought process behind your outfit to someone who just dresses to protect themself from the elements gets old.
However, I have somewhat sucessfully chased my melancholy away. It has involved coming up with individual cheers/chants for the members of my group (you didn't know I wrote songs, did you?) and a rap for myself. These are best utilized when sung on the subway in English. And large quantities of sugar devoured in honor of a friend's birthday.
We dressed up for the event and I wore my tiara. I was surprised when it met with so much approval and now I must be on the lookout for thieves who would like it for themself...

dress- White House Black Market, shoes- Urban Outfitters, tiara- ChicAllure
P.S. Athens Fashion Week is going on right now and Fashion Architect has an inside view...
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