Isn't it strange how we turn people's differences into negatives? Even today when talking to a friend she said she couldn't marry someone introverted, because she needs someone extroverted like herself, not someone "lazy." Hmm...when did introversion become laziness? And for that matter when did introversion become shyness or lacking self-confidence? In truth, introversion is none of those things. As an extreme introvert myself I do not lack self-confidence, I merely enjoy being by myself and "quieter" activities.
In contrast, I don't believe that my extroverted friends are afraid of being alone or loud-mouthed or over compensating for low self esteem. I do not believe this at all...
The point applies to a lot of subjects. So often when people don't understand or don't know about something we start to demonize it or at least believe our own way is superior. Honestly, all I can think to say is how silly... How ridiculous do people sound who think introversion=couch potatoes? (I do still love my friend.)

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