Childish Tirade

Fair warning: I am about to launch into a tirade about a very shallow show.

Last night on "The Hills" Lauren was given the opportunity to meet Marc Jacobs (of whom she is apparently a fan). A third party introduces them and Marc walked across the room to where Lauren was seated, she deigned to reach out her hand, greet him and then turned her head away while he was still speaking. Um, excuse me, rude much? Let's say you are given the opportunity to meet your favorite designer (Lacroix, please) and you are seated at the time, do you not have the decency to rise to your feet and greet him/her and give him/her your full attention?
Designers aside, isn't this just common courtesy for anyone? I would be insulted if I was introduced to someone (formally) and they not only remained seated, but turned their face's away while I was mid-sentence. A clear sign that money can not buy class, but should probably buy manners lessons. I'd hate to see how she treats designers she dislikes.
Does anyone else find this rude, or am I extreme? Tirade over.
In other news, my pink glitter nail polish takes me back to childhood.

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